Table of ALL centres/units – Australian universities, 2020-2021 (Dec. 2021)

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Table of ALL centres/units – Australian universities, 2020-2021 (Dec. 2021)

The table of ALL centres/units – Australian universities, 2020-2021 is the product […]

The table of ALL centres/units – Australian universities, 2020-2021 is the product of an AALL funded project, completed by Sally Ashton-Hay, Alex Barthel and Amanda Müller. The table is based on a model made available to ALL professionals, from 1993 to 2015 by Alex Barthel.

The current table is more complete than previous versions as it provides an overview of both the size of academic language & learning support across the current 42 Australian universities, reported as ALL staff numbers to enrolled student ratios, as well as the nature and types of ALL support activities. The current version of the table also lists the number of academic and general/professional staff at each university.

Please note that even though at some universities, several faculty-based and/or central ALL services are available, only one contact person per university is included in this table. Contact details of ALL staff and URL of various centres/units are included. We hope that this table will be updated regularly. For further information about the table, please contact Alex Barthel: