Welcome to presentations by inspirational speakers delivered as part of the AALL professional development series Connect. Inspire. Share.
Launched in 2020 by AALL-VIC representatives and convenors Elena Verezub and Steve Campitelli, this PD series invites members to:
- Connect – with other AALL members
- Inspire – hear and learn from inspirational speakers about teaching and learning
- Share – discuss and share perspectives on contemporary issues in the field of academic language and learning
Each session features a presentation by an inspirational speaker, followed by discussions and a Q&A with the guest speaker.
You will find information, video recordings and slides of presentations of Season 1 2020, Season 2, 2021 and Season 3, 2022 below.
Season 3 2022
The University of Adelaide’s Shona Edwards, MPhil Candidate, President of Disability, Illness, Divergence Association and Orla Spurr, Bachelor of Health Science student, Vice President of Disability, Illness, Divergence Association, present:
Barriers to accommodations – what you can do for disabled students.
Recorded on Wednesday, 16 February 2022 at 3.30pm AEDT.
Hilary Dolan and Dr Ha Nguyen, Academic Skills Advisors, The University of Melbourne, present:
Facilitating intercultural learning through Story Circles.
Recorded on Thursday, 22nd March 12.30 – 2.30pm AEDT.
Our facilitators for this session have also shared resources on how to conduct your own Story Circles, including facilitator and participant guides. Click here to access and download these resources.
Alice Lee, Dr Ferne Barclay, Emma Grist and Dr Rhonda Siu, Academic Skills Unit, The Australian Catholic University, present:
Designing accessible online learning resources: What does this mean? What is involved? How do you do it?
Recorded on Wednesday, 4 May 2022 3.30 – 5.00pm AEST.
Our facilitators for this session have also shared supporting resources to assist with designing accessible online learning resources. These resources can be downloaded via the direct links below:
- Links shared during the Connect.Inspire.Share session
- 2022 Queensland Government web writing and style guide
- UK Government Accessibility poster series
- Checklist for PowerPoint
- Checklist for MS Word documents.
The first Meet the Author session for 2022 featured Dr Clare Power and Dr Evelyn Hibbert, authors of ‘Student facilitated transition: Fostering empowering collectives’ published in the Journal of Academic Language and Learning (JALL) Vol 10. No. 1 2016.
This Meet the Author session considered the theme:
The development and implementation of transitional and peer mentoring programs in ALL contexts.
Recorded on Thursday, 16th June 3:30pm-5.00pm AEST.
Morag Burnie and Student Partners from the University of Melbourne, present:
Academic Skills Students as Partners Program: Learnings from the first three years
Recorded on Thursday, 11 August 2022 3.30 – 5.00pm AEST.
Dr Andrew Kelly, Manager, Learning Support and Dr Miriam Sullivan, Team Leader, Learning Advisers, Centre for Learning and Teaching, Edith Cowan University, present:
Learning support services at Edith Cowan University: Comparison of service choice and academic outcomes for students
Recorded on Monday, 1o October 2022 3.30 – 5.00pm ADST.
Season 2 2021
Professor John Munro, Faculty of Education and Arts, Australian Catholic University, presents:
The multiple ways of knowing: A framework for fostering effective academic learning and for unpacking learning difficulties.
Recorded on Thursday 4 March 2021.
Dr Charles Sevigny, Senior Lecturer, Director of Digital Learning, School of Biomedical Sciences, Academic Programs and Major Coordinator, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, presents:
Re-imagining, re-inventing and challenging traditional assessment approaches – an academic’s perspective.
Recorded on Tuesday 27 April 2021.
Dr Fiona Burrows, Senior Learning Skills Officer, STUDYSmarter Academic Skills Centre, The University of Western Australia, presents:
Connecting through conversation: Creating a sense of belonging for new pathways students and establishing a university culture where pastoral care is everyone’s business.
Recorded on Tuesday 8th June 2021.
AALL President, Siri Barrett-Lennard, Manager, STUDYSmarter Academic Skills Centre, The University of Western Australia, presents:
Making the most of your AALL membership: opportunities to develop your practice, engage in collaborative research, build a professional profile, publish and network with other academic language and learning professionals locally, nationally and internationally.
Recorded on Tuesday 31 August 2021.
Season 1 2020
Associate Professor Elizabeth Branigan, Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, Educational Transformation, La Trobe University, presents:
How authentic online learning can support equity and accessibility for students.
Recorded on Thursday 20 August 2020.
Professor Glen Bates, Department of Psychological Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, presents:
Promoting student wellbeing and motivation in the context of Academic Advising.
Recorded on Wednesday 23 September 2020.
Professor Kerri-Lee Krause, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Life) and Deputy Provost, The University of Melbourne, presents:
Student resilience in challenging times: when hope and fear collide.
Recorded on Tuesday 27 October 2020.
Laureate Professor John Hattie, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, The University of Melbourne, presents:
Communicating effectively: what makes for effective teaching and feedback.
Recorded on Tuesday 24 November 2020.