The 2022 AALL Professional Development Committee facilitated an online AALL Symposium on December 7, 2022. The program included:
Rebekah Clarkson, AALL President, Keynote – ‘One small thing: A cause for optimism’
Rebekah reflected on where we’re at in academic advising and our contribution to the field of advising, before asking us to reflect and discuss in groups what gives us cause for optimism and how we make impact in our corner of the field.
Panel Discussion – ‘The impact of Advising – the Best Advice’: a mixed student, academic, adviser panel.
Our panellists included:
- Vicky Roberts, Academic, Faculty of Business & Economics, University of Melbourne;
- Felicia Chioma Adikea, student, Honours Anthropology, The University of Adelaide;
- Ivana Domazetoska, Academic Adviser, PhD student Linguistics, University of Melbourne;
- Lara Stollery, student, Bachelor of Health and Medical Sciences, and student representative for the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, The University of Adelaide; and
- Jenny D.Y. Chow, Maths Advisor, the Australian Catholic University.
In a Q&A format, the panel discussed the impact academic advising has had on them, what differences it has made to their work and to others, and why it is important.
View the recordings for these sessions below.
The Introduction to Rebekah Clarkson’s Keynote, One small thing: a cause for optimism, reflecting on who we are as Learning Advisors, can be downloaded here.